The Company

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Mediterranea Italia has been exporting tomatoes and olive oil for over 30 years, establishing itself as a market leader in North America between the 80s and the 90s.
Today, Mediterranea Italia, maintains the primacy, remaining among the first three exporters from Italy. Important results have been achieved, other

than in U.S.A. and Canada, in South America, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and other countries in the Far East.

Mediterranea Italia was born from the desire to research, to enhance and to sell the best agri-food products coming from the Italian tradition.

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With a lot of passion, today we make available all our experience in the food sector to the customers in order to be able to offer the best national production with a complete quality check, with respect to the market competitiveness.

Who we are

President, Administrator & Ceo - Ferdinando del Balzo
Administrator & Executive Sales Director - Ludovico del Balzo
Sales Manager - Massimo Battista
Export Manager - Matias Paolo Di Gregorio
Administrative Director - Paolo Albertini
Logistics & Marketing Manager - Monica Mileto